

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Lesson 11. Listen to advice.

kindergarten graduate gift
They say that good decisions come from experience - and experience comes from bad decisions. But why make your own mistakes when you can learn so much from others? I know that a lecture from someone older or more experienced can sound as annoying as a mosquito ringtone on a mobile phone. But believe me, it's less annoying than hearing them say I told you so after you've made the grave mistake they warned you about.

Whether you're older or younger than them, listening to the ideas of other people can pay off. And unlike a mosquito ringtone download, most advice is free!

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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Lesson 10. If you've got it, flaunt it.

kindergarten graduate gift
In some parts of the world, it's nearly graduation time followed ever so swiftly with back to school time. Since this is a t-shirt kindergarten, I thought I'd focus on the kindergarten graduates. After all, why should you have to wait until you're a grown up to boast about your educational qualifications? Especially when you can support a worthy kindergarten at the same time.

The Carnegie Rudolf Steiner Pre-School it seems desperately needs funds to move to new premises as their current home has been sold by the church that was their landlord. As part of their fundraising efforts they've designed a range of t-shirts, some based on the Steiner or Waldorf education system. And if you're looking for cheap gift ideas for the whole kindergarten class they also offer Kindergarten graduate buittons or badges.

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