

Friday, July 21, 2006

Lesson 14. Give life the right start.

natural birth pinnard
Birth is a natural part of life. Giving birth is a natural thing for women to do. But in modern times it has become a medically (and therefore 'male') dominated event. But medical establishments often have there own agendas and processes, that are not always in the best interests of the mother and the baby. That's why there is groundswell of opinion that birth should become more woman-centred again. In other words, that you should listen to your body and choose a natural birth. This shirt is from the 'birth issues' section at Materni-Tee (TM). The instrument in the picture is a pinnard which works like a stethoscope and avoids the need for a doppler or ultrasound, which some believe may be uncomfortable or even harmful to the unborn baby.

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Lesson 13. Ignorance is the greatest disability.

ignorance disability
There's a saying that to really understand someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. Well how about trying that blind. or in a wheelchair. Or with a myriad of other disabilities. Then you might relate to this message that Ignorance is the greatest disability. It's from the parent Side shop. They have a range of designs about inclusion, acceptance and seeing the person rather than the disability. you can also find an even wider range of t-shirts with this kind of message at disabilities.com, which is a new site set up for those supporting the cause of people with disabilities.

Ironically, when I tried to hotlink to the shirt with this design on, that function seemed to have been disabled. So you'll have to click through to see the shirts.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lesson 12. Give up gaming.

give up video games
Ghostbusters made this style of logo popular, but I think it was first well know for the 'no-smoking' signs with the red circle with a line through it. There is a wide range of things you can give up at Give It Up. But the one that spoke to me is the give up video games design. I've been seduced by their allure myself in the past. I missed hours of sleep (and probably other more exciting activities) by being hooked on a game that I know i will do better at with just 'one more go'. time flies when you're staring at a computer game interface. And at the end of the game, you don't have much to show for it except bags under your eyes and a vitamin D deficiency from not getting enough sun.

I should point out, I'm not trying to persecute gamers. Some of my best friends are gamers! But if they asked me for advice (as if!) I'd tell them to give up their Play Stations, X boxes and Nintendos. And start blogging.

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