

Friday, April 28, 2006

Lesson 5. Teachers make a difference.

teacher gifts
Since this is the t-shirt kindergarten, we should really acknowledge our teachers. Having a good teacher can make a huge difference, whether you're in kindergarten, school, college, university or computer class. Of course the value of a great teacher is less if they're spread too thin. That's why I like this design that says Teachers. Making a difference one mind at a time... with a picture of a text book, globe and other classroom stuff.

There are gifts for teachers, student teachers and headstart teachers etc at TeachersPets which is the creation of Lorilei from Kentucky, USA.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Lesson 4. Beware the platypus.

In case you think t-shirts can only teach you the broad brush stroke kind of stuff, here's a little detail that you might not have known. A platypus has a venomous claw. 'So what?' you ask? Well, since I live in Australia, natural habitat of the platypus, that's a handy thing to know. So this t-shirt that says Beware the platypus with a picture of one of these quirky monotremes,
is a valuable warning and reminder.

I found it at Jolene's Trailer Park. How she knew about the platypus I don't know.

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Lesson 3. Be nice to your mothers.

In case you missed the very obvious double meaning here, they are referring to Mother Nature. So with Earth Day coming up and Mother's Day not far away either I thought it was a good time to feature this t-shirt on the best t-shirt review site blog at this URL ;-) If the green material of the shirts inspires you to go all environmental you might also like their Love the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate shirts. After all, if you can't love chocolate, what's wrong with you? Again you can get them printed on organic cotton, for those of you interested in more environmental benefits.

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Lesson 2. Exercise is good for you.

Ever since i was in kindergarten myself, people have been telling me to get exercise. If I asked for a lift to school, I'd be told walking was good for me. Did they know that the price of fuel was going to skyrocket when i grew up? The upshot is that now I can see even more merit in walking or riding a bicycle when a car isn't really necessary. So I guess you could also learn that lesson from this t-shirt that says BURN FAT, NOT OIL with a picture of a bicycle. The example I've shown here is even printed on organic cotton, for those of you interested in the environmental benefits of walking and cycling. And if you're in North America, the fact that it's made in the USA means less fuel will be used getting the shirt from the mill to you. It's enough to make your other t-shirts 'green' with envy.

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